Our Coffee

The owner of the coffee business maintains a good selection of coffee cup filled with aroma and joy prior starting the Mountains Beans supply. He decided to start supplying Colombian coffee beans because of its unique taste.

We bring to you Colombian coffee beans directly from the farms, once it is roasted properly will deliver a balanced note of acidity to low. Southern & Central American Coffee Beans along the Ecuatorial Zone mountains maintains a mild and stable weather through the year. We import our coffee from the farms of Colombia and are ensured of its high grade quality.

It is grown in a biodiverse environment which helps us to maintain its high grade quality. No agrochemicals are used and natural sources are protected. The cherries are carefully selected at the time of harvest, avoiding to pick green cherries, over-ripe ones.

Coffee Farming and Mountains Elevation:

Different altitudes form different coffee beans form different properties on the coffee taste:
+ 1500m above sea level: fruity, flowery, berries, wine.
+ 1200m: citric, vanilla, chocolate, nuts.
+ 900m: sweet, low acidity.
+ 750m: soft

There are 4 main different processing ways to get Green Organic Coffee, as follows:

1. Washed:
The bean is pealed, the cherry and mucilage are taken out of the bean before the drying process.

2. Honey:
Red cherry skin is taken out, but the mucilage is kept on the bean (totally or partially). The bean goes through a fermentation process before drying. Keeping the mucilage on the bean allows the grain to absorb all the nutrients, carbohydrates and sugars of this layer, changing the profile, giving more complexity to the flavor, usually adding fruity notes and highlighting the sweetness of the coffee. Please check this short explanation video we made, it is in Spanish, but you may see the “honey” layer in the images.

3. Natural:
There is no water used in this process and the cherry is kept on the grain along with the mucilage, providing the bean more carbohydrates and nutrients to absorb. This is an advantage of Colombian Coffee Beans where they don’t keep the cherry on and start the dry process immediately, it goes into a complex fermentation process ( at least two days), aerobic fermentation, anaerobic fermentation, mixed and so on, letting micro organism act and work to change the cupping notes, then the drying process takes a long time and we have to check humidity and temperature permanently. The uniqueness of Colombian coffee is much more Delicious, handcrafted beverages and a lot of expertise. The secret to making life better.

 4. Anaerobic 

Anaerobic fermentation occurs in the fermentation vessel once the oxygen is discharged and replaced with N2, CO2, or another by-product of the fermentation process. This is usually a slower process. In the mid-1850s, the French chemist Louis Pasteur produced anaerobiosis by boiling the medium to kick out oxygen and then introducing inert gas for cultivation.





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